Update: As of 6:45 pm on December 1, 2011 my Youtube Channel is officially back and open for business!
Here’s what they said:
YouTube Support
show details 6:45 PM (5 hours ago)
Hi there,
After a review of your account, we have confirmed that your YouTube
account is not in violation of our Terms of Service. As such, we have
unsuspended your account. This means your account is once again active and
operational.If you forgot your password, please visit this link to reset it:
(link removed)Thanks,
The YouTube Team
I’d just like to say “Thank you” to the team member at Youtube who was finally willing to review my account for me, and also for reactivating it after all these months. Thank you, I truly appreciate it!
Here’s even better news:
They didn’t put any restrictions or demands on me, and they didn’t ask me to remove any of the videos… they restored it to its 100%, fully operational state.
However, even though they didn’t ask (or require) me to remove any of the videos…
I’ve been meaning to update the content on my “Jeff Johnson Youtube” channel for a long, long time.
So I just told my Operations Manager to have the guys to start “cleaning house” and updating the content on my youtube channel.
It may take a few weeks since we are in the middle of a new product launch, but I hope to have it completed for you as soon as possible.
That means… plenty of new training videos are on the way!
If you’d like to have instant access to the new training videos as soon as they are released, simply subscribe to my “Jeff Johnson Youtube” channel and you’ll automatically notified each time the new training videos are uploaded.
Here’s the original story:
Youtube shut me down and I have no idea why they would do such a thing.
I’m hoping you and my other readers can help me figure this out.
Here’s my story:
Last week Youtube terminated my account.
On August 4th Youtube sent me an email that said “YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate.”
They went on to say “Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months.”
Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the permanent termination of your account.”
Here’s a copy of the email they sent me:
(click on image to view full screen)
This was the first and only notice I received from youtube about this or any other video being an issue in the last 18 months… I searched my inbox just to be sure and it’s the only one I can find.
Yet they terminated my youtube account that very same day. .. youtube didn’t even bother giving me the six months they mentioned in their email message.
Even worse … in my opinion youtube’s doing a great job of tarnishing my reputation by telling everyone who tries to view one of my videos that I’m some sort of “repeated or severe violations” offender.
(Note to youtube: Are two flags for marketing videos hat have been seen hundreds of thousands of times in 3 or 4 years really “repeat” or “severe”?)
Here’s what you’ll see if you visit my old youtube channel right now (click image to view full screen):
I had something like one million views of my youtube channel so chances are pretty good a LOT of people will see this less than friendly message.
And here’s what you’ll see if you visit one of the pages of that used to host my individual video:
Not cool, youtube! You are accusing me of posting “spam, scams, and commercially deceptive” videos yet nothing was being sold in the video, and it was 100% unique educational content that I created for my thousands of loyal youtube followers.
(Note to youtube: Everyone makes mistakes, especially me. But isn’t it possible that once in awhile your automated software systems or overly tired employees that are tasked with reviewing tens of thousands of videos a day make a mistake as well? If so, why not say something nice like “sorry, this video is no longer available”, when you remove a video… It just seems much “nicer” in my opinion and doesn’t seem nearly as offensive to someone if their video was mistakenly removed.)
Now I’m a big boy and I know when I do something wrong but I still have no idea what I did wrong
The video they flagged as “inappropriate” was me speaking at an internet marketing seminar.
The title of the video was “Part 2 — Internet Marketing With, SEO, youtube, Myspace, Facebook, RSS Feeds and More.”
I believe this particular video was posted in 2008 as part of an 18 part series that has been viewed over a hundred thousand times (I can’t give you exact dates or total views of each of the 18 videos in that series since youtube has locked me out of my account).
(Note to youtube: My team was able to locate a backup copy, but what about all the people that don’t have backup copies of their videos? It sure would be helpful to everyone if you allowed us limited access to our accounts after you terminate them so we have an opportunity to download the videos in our account.)
I’ll go on record right now and say I HAVE ABOSLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE OFFENSIVE ABOUT ME SPEAKING AT AN INTERNET MARKETING SEMINAR… I was teaching people how to use web 2.0 to promote their business (which by the way is permissible according to youtube’s own terms of service).
I still have no idea why they would terminate my account and ban me from youtube for life for such a video…
But just to be safe I checked out youtube’s Community Guidelines:
Here are Youtube’s Community Guidelines as printed on their site as of August 11, 2011
(my comments are below each youtube guideline and is marked with “Jeff Says:”)
1. ” YouTube is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your video, even if it’s a video of yourself, don’t post it on YouTube. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation. Please read our Safety Center and stay safe on YouTube.”
Jeff Says: I have never posted anything remotely close to pornography anywhere on the internet, especially on youtube. Don’t get me wrong, I like naked women as much as the next guy but my youtube channel is 100% porno free so this can’t be the issue.
2. Don’t post videos showing bad stuff like animal abuse, drug abuse, under-age drinking and smoking, or bomb making.”
Jeff Says: I don’t abuse animals, I don’t do drugs, I don’t smoke and I don’t encourage under-age drinking and I’ve never posted anything related to any of these topics on the internet, especially my youtube channel.
3. Graphic or gratuitous violence is not allowed. If your video shows someone being physically hurt, attacked, or humiliated, don’t post it.
Jeff Says: The video was of me speaking at a seminar and I promise you I didn’t attack, physically hurt or humiliate anyone in any of my videos. Although if you’ve ever been to a seminar you’ll know that there are those people in the audience that you wish you could just smack upside the head for saying or doing stupid. But this just wasn’t’ the case in any of my videos.
4. YouTube is not a shock site. Don’t post gross-out videos of accidents, dead bodies or similar things intended to shock or disgust.
Jeff Says: No dead bodies, no mutilations, no accidents or anything even remotely close to that in any of my youtube videos. The only thing shocking in my videos is my ability to talk really, really fast and cover a ton of material in a short period of time, but thankfully there’s no youtube rule against that (at least not that I’m aware of).
5. Respect copyright. Only upload videos that you made or that you are authorized to use. This means don’t upload videos you didn’t make, or use content in your videos that someone else owns the copyright to, such as music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programs, or videos made by other users, without necessary authorizations. Read our Copyright Tips for more information.
Jeff Says: I created all of the videos in my youtube channel except for a few of my speaking at an internet marketing seminar and I have full permission from the seminar hosts to use them in my marketing.
(Note to youtube: there are dozens of illegally posted copies of my videos on youtube, including copies of the video you terminated my account over. But when I tried to report them as copyright infringement… I couldn’t use your online form since I was locked out of my youtube account… and you need a youtube account to report copyright infringement using your online system.)
6. “We encourage free speech and defend everyone’s right to express unpopular points of view. But we don’t permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).”
Jeff Says: Definitely does not apply to any of my youtube videos… I’ve been on record in my videos saying many times “why can’t we all be friends” and “spread the love, baby”. I’m all for world peace and letting everyone just do their own thing as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.
7. ” Things like predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, invading privacy, revealing other people’s personal information, and inciting others to commit violent acts or to violate the Terms of Use are taken very seriously. Anyone caught doing these things may be permanently banned from YouTube.”
Jeff Says: There’s nothing predatory in any of my youtube videos, and the only thing I incite in my videos is the burning desire to out and get some traffic, build a list, and make some money. Is that such a bad thing?
8. ” Everyone hates spam. Don’t create misleading descriptions, tags, titles or thumbnails in order to increase views. It’s not okay to post large amounts of untargeted, unwanted or repetitive content, including comments and private messages.”
Jeff Says: This “everyone hates spam” is the only one I can think of that may apply.
But only because youtube has billions of videos to review so they may have been a bit too rushed when they looked at this particular video and didn’t realize it was indeed a unique video with 100% unique content.
I can certainly understand their mistake in their haste reviewing billions of videos so I hope this clears it up for them.
This particular video was part 2 of a 18 part series.
My presentation at the seminar lasted for almost 3 hours. But when I posted these videos in 2008 youtube only allowed your videos to be 10 minutes long.
So I chopped up the presentation into 18 unique videos that were about 10 minutes long.
Each video contained unique content from my presentation and needed to be watch in sequence, starting with part 1 or they wouldn’t’ make sense.
Each of the 18 videos had the same title and description with one exception; we added “part 1”, “part 2”, “part 3” to the titles so the youtube community could easily find all 18 parts.
The title of the video in question was named “Part 2 — Internet Marketing With, SEO, youtube, Myspace, Facebook, RSS Feeds and More”.
If I gave each of the 18 parts of the series a completely unique title and description youtube viewers would never be able to figure out which of the almost 90 videos in my youtube channel were related, and in which order they were supposed to watch them.
Yes, they were in a “playlist” but when you searched google or youtube they still came up as individual videos.
And if you visited my youtube channel after finding one of them in the search results of google, youtube, bing, or yahoo they were still listed as individual videos in the channel (youtube designed it to work this way, not me).
So to make it easier for the youtube community I gave each of the 18 parts the same title and description with the exception of adding “Part 1”, “Part 2″… “Part 18” to the title.
It’s like a movie… they called Lethal Weapon 4 for a reason. If you saw it on a video rental shelf and you hadn’t seen Lethal Weapon 1, 2 or 3 yet you may want to go back and watch those first so part 4 made more sense to you. Or if you watched part 4 and liked it, it would be easy for you to go back and rent parts 1, 2 or 3.
And how could you possibly know that” Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan” was the 8th movie in the “Friday the 13th” series if they didn’t tell you that in the title? They were all 100% original (arguably) movies but they shared a common title.
So in the end…
I did what I thought was best for the youtube community from a usability standpoint and used an almost (but not quite) title and description for each of the 18 unique parts of my one seminar presentation that was posted on youtube.
Each of the 18 videos contained 100% unique content.
I just added “part 1, part 2, part 3, etc” to the same basic title so they would be easy to identify as related videos, and the viewers would be able to watch them in the correct order since they were all part of the same 3 hour long seminar presentation.
So let’s recap:
- As far as I can tell I have never violated any of the youtube community guidelines that they listed as a possible reason for my account being cancelled.
- I have never used automated software to increase anything with this account.
- I never posted my youtube videos to more than one youtube channel.
- I had approximately 7,800 subscribers to my youtube channel and every single one of them subscribed under their own free will because I gave away such great free content on youtube.
- I posted almost 90 unique videos to youtube over the last 3 or 4 years.
- I created all of the videos and owned the copyright, or I had permission from the seminar host to post my presentations given at their seminar.
- I had over a million channel views on youtube.
- My Individual videos had been viewed as many as 350,000 times and I never used automated systems of any kind to inflate my views.
- And the video listed as inappropriate by youtube was simply me speaking at an internet marketing seminar teaching people how to promote themselves and their business online. Which, by the way, is listed as a “permissable commercial use” of youtube in their own Terms of Service.
I wasn’t even selling anything in the video.
Yet youtube sends me an email and tells me that the video that has been posted for 3 years was “inappropriate”
And without further warning and without receiving any additional flags they immediately terminated my youtube channel and locked me out.
They won’t even allow me access to download the original copies of my videos that I worked so hard to create all these years.
And when I sent them an email asking them “why” they terminated my account they replied with an email that said “We are unable to provide specific detail regarding your account suspension or your video’s removal. For more information on our what we consider inappropriate content or conduct while using YouTube, please visit our Community Guidelines and Tips at http://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines and our Help Center article…
That response really didn’t answer my questions so I sent them another email asking for clarification.
I know you guys are anxious for me to get my youtube account back so I can continue sharing my tutorials with you, and so am I because we all love youtube… it’s the best video sharing site out there, but I’m still not having much luck getting in touch with youtube.
As you can see from my post below either youtube’s customer service or automated response system could use a little help, or they just don’t feel like talking to me. Either way it is very frustrating.
Youtube sent the “flagged” notice to the gmail account associated with my youtube account. It’s the same email they send all their messages to, and it’s the email account I use to log into my youtube account.
When I replied to their “flagged” notice asking them why they would terminate my youtube account with only 1 flag in over 18 months, and only 2 flags in the history of an account with something like 1 million channel views…
Youtube replied by saying “The email address that you have provided does not match the email address of the account in question. In order for us to review your issue, you must be the owner of the account”
(click the image below to view a copy of youtube’s email in full screen)
I’m not sure how that could be the case considering I logged into my gmail account and directly replied to the email they sent me notifying me that my video had been removed.
I’ve been known to make mistakes, everyone does, but in this case I simply replied to their original email by hitting “reply” from within my gmail account.
I then replied again telling them there must be some kind of mistake and that I could prove I was the owner of the account, and that “this” gmail account was indeed the account associated with my youtube account.
But it’s been 2 or 3 weeks and still no further replies from youtube.
I understand that youtube is busy, much busier than I am. But I’ve been waiting patiently for 31 days now and still no luck getting through to them. So I need your help clearing this misunderstanding up…
Here’s How You Can Help:
If you have any idea why youtube would have shut my account down given the quality of the content I’ve been sharing on it for years I’d like to hear about it.
If you have any contacts at Google or Youtube that you could put me in touch with that would be willing to hear my case I’d love to hear from them.
If you have experienced similar issues with Youtube or Google (since Google owns Youtube) I’d love to hear about it.
If you have any idea how I can go about getting my channel reactivated I’d love to hear about.
So please leave your comments below and let’s see if we can help us, and help youtube learn from this experience. And don’t be afraid to share this post with your facebook friends, your twitter followers or your email readers… the more people that hear about this misunderstanding the better.
More importantly… let’s see if we can clear this up so I can continue posting unique, helpful, content- rich videos to youtube for you and the million other viewers of my channel to enjoy!
Christopher Rose says
That is terrible if not surprising.
I do a lot of Google Adwords stuff for clients and Google are notorious for their general appalling product support and arrogance in acting like this across both Adwords and Adsense in particular, so it is no surprise, although very depressing, to see them doing this on Youtube as well.
If you can afford it I would suggest getting a lawyer involved as they certainly seemed to have acted improperly in this case.
Google was once famous for its slogan “do no evil” but now it is seemingly trying to become as hated as Microsoft once was. Sad…
Bruno Auger says
Your not the only person that I know that had their account shut down. What it boils down to is that someone on youtube ( more than likely a big name youtuber) didn’t like your stuff.
I have heard about this before and the people who they pay to be on their, they treat their words as if it was the holy grail. I pretty suck they despise affiliate marketers and are out to get them.
You might want to contact Russell Brunson because that happened to him
jim says
Apparently someone made a complaint and I bet it is one of your competitor to get to shut your video down. Did not want info released to the public is my guess….
Ian says
Didn’t another internet marketer have the exact same problem recently?
The name escapes me at the moment, but I’ll find out and post it here.
He got his account reinstated.
JD says
David Wood had his channel shut down and he was able to get it ALL reinstated
garbage pail kid says
I believe Gideon Shalwick had his account shut down for a week or so about a month or two ago.
He managed to get it reactivated though.
Hopefully Jeff can get his back too.
Joe says
If you have an adwords account, you can call in to adwords for help on your account, and then mention that you are having problems with your youtube account and usually the googler will be able to help you with that.
Jeff Johnson says
Already tried contactin google, no response after a week.
Tom Nunamaker says
Did you call them on the phone?
Jeff Johnson says
Not yet, but I’m willing to.
Zeyad says
Sorry that you have to go through this.
Something similar happened with me but on Facebook. They shut down my business’ page without warning after we had more than 12K members on the page.
My subscribers and clients emailed on my behalf as well and I emailed them dozens of times yet not a single response whatsoever.
Hope that it works out for you, and there’s a great opportunity and lesson out of every setback.
Larry says
Hi Jeff……I think it is a BIG ERROR by Google and they will come to
realize their mistake after having a second look !
Thanks for all your GREAT Educational Content….
Thanks, Larry
Jeff Johnson says
Thanks for your support.. hopefully I’ll have more youtube videos for you soon 🙂
Dave says
Sorry to hear that Jeff. I have been on your list for quite awhile and get a lot from your content.
Lesson for everyone to learn: Always maintain CONTROL of your content and have a backup plan. Google/YouTube is NOTORIOUS for being stupid.
It’s only a matter of time until we find a better alternative.
Sathish says
the reason can bew that your videos are against Google – and you are posting the same in googles partners site 🙂
nothing much to do buddy start posting it some where else!
Jeff Johnson says
Even yutube and google say in their terms of service they believe in freedom of speech… but I never really bash google, I just tell my story about my experineces with them. Can’t we all be friends 🙂
Paul says
Put them to the test about their freedom of speech clause and open another account in your “pen name” to document their Gestapo like behavior with an in-depth analysis of your situation as well as others who’ve had the rug pulled out from under their feet.
I have no doubt in your ability to make that video go viral in a short time, and if they take that off the net then I think you’d have enough evidence to pursue a restraint of trade and defamation lawsuit.
Disclaimer: – I’m not a lawyer… but I’ve seen them on TV 🙂
Go after their service by starting one to compete with them using whatever settlement you get. Being big as they are, I think you could run circles around them.
And I’d much rather have someone like you a “real human-being” running a YouTube type service than the God-Complex driven people at Google.
And who knows this could be your calling, maybe they pissed off the wrong guy.
At any rate – Good Luck and if you do start your own service let me know, I’d start using it over them any day of the week and twice on weekends.
P.S. Google Sucks!
Ark says
I fully agree with you. The same happen with blogger and orkut accs. They don’t give any excuses. Though that was robot’s failure to detect proper spam accs. So many great sites and active orkut accs were effected at that time. Now almost no one goes at orkut, and very few at blogger. I think the same story is going to happen with Youtube.
castor oil says
Google is an internet bully tyrant, a monster whose head needs to be cut off. Eventually this will happen when people have had enough of their shenanigans.
It makes me sick to my stomach how people just bow down and grovel at the stinking feet of Google.
As another poster has said, always keep control of your property. Always have a plan B, C, and E if necessary.
Bob says
While your videos didn’t violate any of the YouTube terms of service, someone at Google may have actually watched them and realized they educate people on how to “manipulate” search results on Google (their perspective).
They don’t like that, for sure.
So like yelling “fire” in a crowded theater, freedom of speech on YouTube apparently has limits.
Tom Nunamaker says
You should ALWAYS keep copies of your videos. This highlights the danger of not hosting the videos in an account YOU control. I don’t understand why you didn’t have backups. Amazon S3 is pretty cheap peace of mind.
Mike P says
That’s the thing that leapt out at me. Run a business and don’t secure key assets of the business (the videos) ??
What kind of businessman are you not do have done this, and how confident does this little snippet make me feel about your advice ?? There’s a very, very old adage about data – “There’s 2 sorts of data – data that has been backed up, and data that hasn’t been lost… yet.”
With backups, you could have got this all back up and running in hours. Or even better, had links to your info in 2 or more places, for resilience, all along.
If it were me, I’d have kept quiet about not having backups….. AND NOT SHOUTED quite as much.
Jeff Johnson says
We do have network backups onsite, and off site backups as well. But having to dig through all of them to find files posted 3 years ago is a pain.
Not to mention I’m not at my office right now so I couldn’t post a copy until I returned to my office, and I couldn’t wait to tell my story any longer… I had already waited 8 days for a response from youtube and the clock was ticking.
if youtube allowed me to access my account, I’d have immediate access to it.
The one lesson I did teach my staff, again, is to make sure our backups are well organized for quick future retrieval 🙂
Nicolas says
Hi Jeff,
Google in Mountain View has telephone numbers – Your are in the USA right ? Supposidely you are a multi million dollar super affiliate with software companies and so forth and you cant call a company ?
Get a TV crew, call Michael Moore and go to their headquarter 🙂 this should do the trick.
Jeff Johnson says
I’m hoping that a few hundred thousand of my readers and friends can help get youtube’s attention… using their proper channels hasn’t worked for me in the past.
Damien O'Riley says
I am a student of yours and even send my employees to your seminars.
This is sad but the writing has been on the wall for awhile. Google doesn’t like internet marketers and you have TONS of content about gaming Google, using feeder sites, bulk RSS feeds, link networks….come on! What do you expect them to do?
To me this is like going to a party at your neighbors and showing nude photos of the hosts wife to all the guys. Do you think the husband will play nice with you?
I hate this happened man, I really am.
Good luck
Jeff Johnson says
They have their own blogs that talk about how to improve your rankings so I doubt that’s the issue, but i could be wrong.
Ashley says
What kinds of commercial uses of the YouTube website are prohibited and which aren’t?
We’ve updated our Terms of Use to clarify what kinds of uses of the website and the YouTube Embeddable Player are permitted. We don’t want to discourage you from putting the occasional YouTube video in your blog to comment on it or show your readers a video that you like, even if you have general-purpose ads somewhere on your blog. We will, however, enforce our Terms of Use against, say, a website that does nothing more than aggregate a bunch of embedded YouTube videos and intentionally tries to generate ad revenue from them.
Jeff Johnson says
You mean like youtube and google themselves do? It’s ok for them to wrap ads around our content and make money, but not for regular people to do the same?
Damien O'Riley says
Googles rules for you and I, Jeff….and the rules for itself…will never, ever be the same. I see where you said that why shouldn’t you be able to do what Google itself does with monetizing video….because their rules for us…are and will never be same as the rules it sets for itself.
Every Government agency is the same way. Most massive power structures operate the same way. Don’t expect Google to be any different.
Chris Lang says
One of or 3 or more things have happened Damien and Jeff….
A YouTube mafia has risen that is out to take marketers off YouTube.
Makes sense, the same foul mouthed young males that were on Digg are all on YouTube, same mentality. For more JGI – Digg Mafia.
* YouTube for some reason no longer wants marketers on YouTube.
That makes no sense. I can get 30,000 views on a video, but I can’t get to YouTube front page, if us marketers where there, sure, I could understand that.
* Unless you participate and display YouTube advertising you are a target to get banned.
Most YouTube theories are completely unfounded, because YouTube Secret Weapon is still there with Colligan and Julie Perry. Their channel is still active.
* Google in it’s quest for Google + Profiles to be based on real names are doing the same with YouTube channels linked to moniker based profiles.
So let me ask you Jeff, was your Google profile linked to these videos “Jeff Johnson” or was it business name based? Did you even have a Google account linked to this Chanel? Because Google started requiring that almost a year ago.
Since comments seem to be closed and I know Damien personally, I commented here.
Also Jeff, YouTube has been spammed heavily in the past year with tons of poor quality Click Bank products and spammer software like Tube Fool. So you can’t be surprised at a YouTube backlash against marketers.
Hope this helps everyone see a larger picture at YouTube….. Chris
Jeff Johnson says
I had a google account attached to that channel, and I never used spam techniques.
Interesting, though… the last time I checked youtube didn’t forbid the use of automation software which I thought was odd.
But personaly I never used them becasue this was my “money” channel.
Chris Lang says
Is the Google account still active Jeff? That could be the issue. Did you use Jeff Johnson or a biz name?
Google has disabled all my G profiles that used monikers and business names even though I never posted to G+ with them. But the YouTube channels still stand.
At the same time a animal rights activist got removed from Google, but it did depict graphic vilolence againts animals. So I can see that getting flagged.
And Darren Rowse, (Problogger) got removed too.
Jeff Johnson says
I has my business name associated with the gmail account.
Chris Lang says
Okay, so first off Jeff, I would alter that G Profile to use your real name. Armand, Jack, Filsaime, Colligan, Daren Rowse, tons more are on G+ and active.
Mari Smith even said on her blog G+ could end up being bigger than Facebook. Even Reese joined in a bit.
Second, my YouTube mastermind group is reporting overseas YouTube mafia style flagging of profiles and videos with top rankings for terms they want go take over.
One of my best peeps said that he keeps getting hit by guys from India claiming copyright violations and I know that he has created everything from scratch. (my best student of years)
So he went thru the rebuttal process, in the end he just deleted the video just to end the aggravation. He had top rankings for a very commercial term and was making bucks on AdSense overlays.
So, more than anything, I am back to my Digg Mafia style assessment, and yes, after this post, all YouTube marketing products are dead, I just pulled mine :]
Hope to see you on G+, and they have a very nice video platform that is independent of YouTube and takes 30 min + videos in HD (hint hint)
Jeff Johnson says
Thanks for the update. I’m not sure which google+ you are referring to… my google+ profile is for “Jeff Johnson”. Where are you seeing it differently?
Chris Lang says
You said that you had your biz account / profile associated with the YouTube account.
To be sure, this is really you…..
There are a number of fake JJs floating around, especially on Facebook. If so I want to add you to my list of best IM peeps to follow on G+.
Jeff Johnson says
Actually, that’s Jeff Walker, one of my best friends and certainly not passing himself off as me “jeff johnson”. But thanks for the heads up.
Chris Lang says
Guess I need to wear my glasses more often. LOL Joyner and Declan Dunn are both on G+ and very accessible too.
If I can Jeff, can I add your URL to this list?
If you would like me to add you, just verify your profile in a commnet. Lots of fake profiles floating around and I want to be sure to link to the right one and thanks for verifying Walker’s profile. – Chris
brian says
ITS big g. They hate internet marketets.
I don’t want to sound like a sceptic but one of clients were phoned by Google and when they mentioned me and seo she said the guy turned.
He even said to her seo is a dirty word here at Google and we r trying hard to get rid of it so be cateful.
That was q google spokesperson.
I am just trying to make a luving afeel that google r being realy unfair.
Russell brunson has had his account clised down.
Oh and when i stsryed a ppc campaign for my business with seo in ir
Jane says
Ok Jeff,
Here it goes normally I wouldn’t even bother to post on a site like yours but you and I both know exactly why you got shut down.
Let’s review: You built a business “teaching” affiliate marketing and traffic generation strategies over the last few years and have been “super successful” by your own acknowledgement.
You use this success to position yourself as a “guru” or one of the group of guys in the know when it comes to making money online. Can’t argue that you have and continue to make money online pimping every launch that comes along.
I’ve been on your list for years and I know that you make tons of money from mailing for just about every ” friend” that has some crap for 2,000K to sell. You see… what really happened here is that Google doesn’t care about you.. and they think that your business model id fraudulent and they just don’t have to play by the rules… Any search for your name and scam as well as all the others in the IM community who “mail” their A lists on just about everything makes the people at google see red. You push this crap all over the place and
don’t think for a second that google is unaware that you act in an affiliate capacity for “frauducts” yes Jeff fraudulent products that don’t live up to their price or their claims.
You can choose to believe that they do but then you’d have to show your readers proof and you know you cant the limited testimonials and fabricated numebrs behind these launches is disgusting..
Let’s take dean graziosi for example.. the bogus reopens “:hey we found a few more slots” and the testimonials which came from an affilaite on the leader board… the whole process stinks and you have put yourself in the middle of it and sit there wondering why google shut you down.
Stop reading… You know the answer and maybe if you clean up your act and stop blatantly pushing shit then google might consider you a value add to the youtube community.. your methods might work but your alliances and business practices are pathethic
Jeff Johnson says
Wow, if you don’t like what I promote then why are you even on my mailing list?
There’s an unsubcribe button on the bottom of each email..
Along with a clear statement that says I may earn an affilaite commission if you buy somethingn I recommend..
I don’t hide the fact that I’m an affiliate marketer.
Why can McDonald’s, Coke and Google try to make a living of their clients but I can’t?
Ron Ron says
Howdie Jeff,
I don’t fully disagree with Firt. (But I won’t be as harsh either 😉 )
I am a traffic voodoo member, and I do find it to be a good course.
However, I do stay on your list in case you do send out traffic voodoo updates, but the constant promotion does get very annoying at times.
I didn’t pay such a high ticket product to get so much promotions on other people’s products. Being focused is difficult enough these days 😀
But let’s get back to the main topic.
I’ve seen in quite a few places that people got their accounts banned for using “YouTube” in their videos, and specifically how to use “YouTube” to drive traffic and make money.
As YouTube is now part of Google, I imagine that this would also apply with videos on how to use Google to make money online.
I think you sent out an email a couple of days ago on how you use Youtube to drive traffic. The first thought was “Uh oh, is this video going to fly on YouTube?”, but this definitely wasn’t something I was 100% sure about.
When I saw your Youtube ban email this morning, I thought right away that it was because of your “YouTube Marketing” video.
I did somehow find on the warrior forum someone mentioning that he got his account reactivated, but I can’t seem to find that post! If I do find it, I’ll forward it to you ASAP.
But seeing which video got banned, I wouldn’t be shocked that my theory applies.
Best of luck on this one!
Jeff Johnson says
There are 257 videos in Traffic Voodoo, but there can never be “enough” in one course to cover it all. I’m always looking for new ideas and If I find one I like I share it with my list. But I clearly mark them as promotions so you can easily identify them, and most are actually for free content.
Jane says
I don’t unsubscribe from your emails for two reasons
1) I don’t think that because you promote things/products which don’t support their claims that you yourself don’t have things to teach that work.
Just because I don’t like who you are in bed with doesn’t mean your methods for getting yourself there are useless. The sad thing is that most IM’s in your tight circle do teach things that work…..BUT what is wrong a deceptive is the cycle that you guys all put people through to create the sales and the bogus pricing model you all reply on
When affiliates get 50% of a two thousand dollar sales it really quite obviously that the consumer is being overcharged.. Is there value…?? sometimes
is it worth what you little crew of guys says its worth
NO that’s my issue with you and the rest of them.
Direct fraud.. If you guys really gave a shit about all these struggling entrepreneurs then why the 2,000K on every launch can you explain that to me.. well you can but you wont here…
It’s your major money flow we all get it but trust me when I say people are fed up with the blatant price gouging and the hey my friend has a great thing you should check out.. God people really are not that stupid.. oh but maybe the new ones are that find you guys.. and that’s what you count on.
Jeff Johnson says
There’s nothing about my pricing that is bogus, and I don’t use a model, although pricing models are used in many industries and are not looked upon as a bad thing.
The more time my staff and I devote to developing and supporting a project, the more we charge for it.
I price my products from between free to $67, $97 all the way up to $25,000.00.
Sales commissions are a common practice in many industries, it’s an established and acceptable practice. Cars, dentists, doctors, tvs, life insurance, real estate, stocks, matchmaking, hosting, books,… the list goes on.
Everyone has a right to charge what they want they think is fair for their time, and everyone else has a right not to pay it.
Jane says
Reason #2
I like to see where IM is going so I can keep my business and my clients from looking like hack Internet Marketers. You guys all look the same spew the same nonsense and it gets old and so ugly to watch
BUT I stay because I like to stay educated and not knowing is actually worse in my opinion.
Why can McDonald’s, Coke and Google try to make a living of their clients but I can’t?
Those first two companies are a bad choice to profile
1)they lie in their marketing every day
2)they add no value to someone life
Chris Lang says
As I am predicting G+ will soon offer business profiles and I am also going to go out on a limb that G+ will integrate with G Places pages, I would expect that the YouTube house cleaning my be part of this.
And as we saw Paul Myers rant last week in his newsletter there is a huge unfounded backlash at what has become known as IM Gurus.
Is this a mindset that we can expect to see more of? I would say yes. Something important is going on here, we should all be paying attention in oh so many ways. IMHO
Gavin says
Hi Jeff.
sorry you banned.
I speak in you defence.
I am still paying off Traffic voodoo but got a page 1 ranking in google in my niche using your techniques.
I can’t put a price on that.
Also I choose to ignore your other offers as they aren’t what I am looking for.
I buy if I see value and I think you offer a money back guarantee.
I have always found your products over deliver in terms of value.
Jeff Johnson says
absolutely, just ignore the ones that dont’ interest you. That way you won’t miss out on the ones that do.
Thanks for your continued support!
Luke says
Respectfully, McDonalds does add a lot of value. At least to my life.
Jeff Johnson says
I do respect what they are trying to do with the low cost meals, means a lot to families that don’t have much to spend.
I just wish the quality was better, but then again, it’s our choice to eat there if we don’t like it.
But in my humble opinion…. their fries are the best!
Kris says
Woh jane that was way too far.
You are a serious hater.
I would bet almost anything that you are having no success in business and you just needed to vent or something.
Out of any internet marketer Jeff is probably the best at clearly telling people that he’s making money on his recommendations and in every email there is very clear disclaimers.
I personally never have felt that Jeff has tried to manipulate people for his own personal gain.
You act like it’s a damn crime to make money.
And as far as the content goes, I’ve watched almost all the videos on his youtube channel and they’re really good in my opinion.
Jeff, my personal opinion is that enough people like Jane flag them because their unhappy with their own results and need someone else to blame their lack of success on.
Jeff Johnson says
Couldn’t have said it any better myself 🙂
Damien O'Riley says
In all fairness what Jane said is a growing sentiment among a LOT of users on Guru’s lists. I know, I have a nice size list of my own and all I hear are the angry, flustered comments of victims from abusive product launches and BS Affiliate Offers.
I wonder why you never see a $20 book promoted as hard as you do a $2000 product, unless that book is a gurus in which his friends are afraid not to promote the book because they will need that mailing help when their $2000 junk comes out next month.
You are hearing these angry comments from people not because they are jealous, some yeah but most are tired of this incestuous pocket picking. And listen, I know what goes on behind the scenes with some of the launches, I know the people involved and just know this guys and girls, response rates are dropping through the floor. This behavior of burning lists for every buddy has murdered and raped a once healthy industry.
No, I am not a hater either. I own an Internet Marketing Company, so really. All I am saying is that the IM market is bitter and angry, Google is angry because of the amount of fraud and re-purposed trash being sold by the IM cabal, they have clearly commented on the scamming that goes on in our industry. Can it be more clear? Google hates this industry, people are burned and jaded from PL abuse, response rates are jokes now compared to what they were and could have been?
Don’t be surprised if Google punishes more and more legit business markets thanks to what the IMers have done in the name of “Just making a living”
Jeff, as I said man…I am a student and have spent thousands on your products and seminars. Even so, you top guys know what’s going on and it needs to stop before this industry is dead. Google isn’t going to show you any love and that is going to get worse as well. Look out your window, the world has had enough of empty promises and people schleeping whatever they can to meet payroll. People..are…angry.
I’m sure you do use what you promote Jeff, but you are far from being a dummy…you know what I am talking about regarding what’s happening with response rates, the “Just found 50 more copies”, the “reopened by popular demand”, people are tired of it man…Launches are tanking compared to what they used to haul in. This industry just needs a Jeff Johnson and one or two other big names to help start to clean it up and bring some integrity to it, and we might can save it.
And again, I am not a hater. There is just always more than one side to a story and more to a problem than what is being fully admitted to.
Jeff Johnson says
A big part of the launc is giving away free content that is of value. And some people do pull the “50 copies found” thing, but others don’t.
Launches are still producing 7 figures every week because they do work, and the good ones add value to the process.
Produce good content, give good value, and only recommend products or people that you believe in, and that’s the best you can do.
Jane says
HI Kris,
Couldn’t be further from the truth.. You need to open your eyes Kris and stick around the IM world just a tiny bit longer and then maybe you’ll be seasoned enough to reply to my comments.
sam says
Jane the Progressive do-gooder is gonna tell us all what’s right and wrong in this world. And if we don’t agree, like the government and Google – she’ll shut us down.
Fortunately, the Janes of the world are going down. Down Down Down falling off a mountain of debt and drowning in a depraved sea of do-gooder authoritarian control.
Here’s a Big Mac right up your efin azz Jane. And here’s a Wal Mart kiddie pool right in your crooked teeth.
Clark says
Don’t knock the man because he accomplished what you can and never will be able to do.
I smell a hint of jealousy throughout your entire post. Same with all you other droid readers…you’re all the same washouts who seek to blame others for their own failure.
Talya says
Wow Jeff I’m really surprised you answered back like that. I think it shows that you are effectively retiring and simplylving off your list and have no plans or intentions of launching any more great products.
What Jane was trying to say was those of us that have been on your list for almost a decade really appreciated the content you put out. However in recent times you’ve lost a lot of credibility with those of us who are successful and trusted your credibility, that when you refer us to an affiliate launch, that you actually tried it, looked at it and 1000% vouch for it. But there have been sooo many launches this year alone that you vouched for that we bought that were crap!
And you’ve lost your credibility with your people on your list that have been following you for almost 10 years! And only the people that just heard of you and just started following you in the last 2 years are the ones that think you are still credible, and not the pitch man that sells anything under the sun. Just because you tell us you can earn a commission doesn’t mean you should always try to sell it.
Jeff Johnson says
I ask for review copies in advance,or I buy it myself. If we like it, I tell you so.
I don’t recommend products that my team or I haven’t personally reviewed, or is from someone who I know and trust.
I pay thousands for individual products just like you and I can honestly say that if that 2k product gives me just one good idea it’s worth every penny I paid for it.
But if everyone agreed on everything we wouldn’t have a multi-party government and the only color choice for cars would still be black.
And don’t worry, I’m still releasing great free content and great products.
Jane says
Not knocking him, I actually am very impressed he took the time to reply.. puts him way above most.
My concerns are still the same
Do tell Clark.. just how long have you been on Jeff’s list and what do you really know about launches..??
When you take the time to tell me then I think we can continue with an adult dialogue
Ron J says
Jane, none of the stuff Jeff or his friends promote works. That is, if you just purchase the training and never follow through with it.
There are thousands of people making money online, so at least admit that making money online is a real possibility, then admit that you failed at it and don’t take it out on the people who are trying to spread the message.
If you don’t like the message, walk away, don’t kill the messenger.
Jane says
Dear Rob,
Again how long have you been on these lists and really.. get some perspective.. Im not ranting IM telling the truth and you need to open your little eyes and go check out what is really happening with launches and the inner circle
It’s fraud and the FTC is sniffing hard at a few guys and they know it..
probably better you just keep out of this one
Walden (Wally) Webb says
Ron j. I agree and well said, you nailed it. Jeff, This sucks, but I know you and your highly skilled team will turn this in to a positive. Like the all proven, successful, people do. Keep up the good work and I will continue to purchase your stuff when I can afford to.
Jeff Johnson says
Thanks, I’ll be sure to turn what I find out into a learning experience for eveeryone that is supporting me on this blog 🙂
Travis says
WOW, Spoken like someone that has never managed to become a successful entrepreneur (bitter grapes), so therefor everyone that promotes an affiliate an offer is selling crap!?
Quite the opposite when the person is placing their reputation on the line to promote the product or service and has a proven track record for only supporting legit offers.
I have to ask, Do you know Jeff on a personal level, Do you know the amount of due diligence that he puts into the people he JV’s with?
I have you met him personally?
My guess is NO, NO & NO (although I will gladly await your answer).
In the mean time, let me answer those questions. I know him personally and I find him to be a competent, caring business person that operates with integrity and would not support or promote anything he didn’t believe in personally or recommend to his own family members.
The most common reason for failure when people purchase training programs is lack of follow through… on top of not following the training they were directed (which has nothing to do with the creator of the program or the JV that promoted it).
In reference to using marketing tactics and psychology to motivate buyers into getting off their butt and taking action (using urgency) is a brilliant part of effective marketing, apparently you don’t have a firm grasp on capitalism, which is what made this Great Country what it is today!
Jane (Firt) you are naive in your concept of business and marketing and you will be destine to a life of low income and constant struggle (a victim) unless you commit to learning more about effective business 101 in the 21st century and then apply it.
In the future it would be wise, to know your topic on a deep level before you jump to a negative conclusion that attack someones integrity (shame on you!)
Chuck Gosh says
Gotta step in here . . .
Fact: Jeff is uniquely, highly respected among the IM community as “that silver-haired guy who works hard, works smart, and tells the truth.” Ask anybody in IM. No shortcuts.
I get a lot of emails from a lot of rich kids using deceptive methods to sell total crap and push-button junk so I can study their Subject: lines. They’re taught the same pricing schemes that severely overprice everything to make it appear valuable, and to keep coming back for more of your money. It works, so they keep doing it.
Jeff has never sent me anything like that. When he promotes somebody’s stuff, I read it, I learn, and I move on. I’ve remained on his list because I don’t want to miss anything good.
Jeff made his money the old-fashioned way: He earned it. And he has flat-out given away more good, useful info and tools than any of us can comprehend.
I tell other people to visit his site, and I’ll continue to do so.
If you want to see the crap that (too many) marketers cross-promote for each other, check out jvnotifypro.com and scroll down to the middle of the page. Spend a few minutes and you’ll quickly discover which IM “legends” are honestly trying to help (there are precious few), and which one’s just see you as their own private ATM machine. There are plenty of those, and you’ll recognize many of their names.
Too many marketers begin their story with, “I was flat broke and willing to do ANYTHING to pay my rent.” Today, they’re still doing “whatever it takes” and that often involves deception. I’ve even been scammed on WF a few times.
Jeff, thanks much for all you do for us. I’ve met about 300-400 people in IM over the last 10 years, and I put you and Eben Pagan at the top of my “A” list for smart, honest people who work hard and do very well.
I’ve got about 8 folks on my “B” list (including your buddy Ryan), and far too many to count that I’ve learned I shouldn’t trust at all. My advice for everyone who believes all the IM crap? “Stop wanting to believe the lies.”
Jeff, you’re just another victim of some really old lessons. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, don’t build your business on free sites that can yank your account on a whim, you can’t fight city hall, do regular backups (and test them), and, when the world gives you lemons . . .
Jeff, you’re a smart guy. I’ve got a very good feeling you’ll land on your feet as soon as you get off your pity-pot, call up a few buddies, sleep on some new ideas, and get back to work. Chalk it up as “lessons learned” and move on. This is not the first time you tried something that didn’t work.
And when you come up with an even better plan than the one you had before, be sure and tell us all about it.
Chuck Gosh says
P.S. The Ryan I mentioned is NOT Ryan Deiss, it’s that tall kid from Fraser, one of those guys who fly under the radar.
Jeff Johnson says
I’ve worked hard to earn and keep the trust and respect of the people in the IM community, I’m glad to see it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
I truly appreciate your support, thanks!
CrazyWebDude says
Same for me, they just come back saying “we stand by our decision”. Not too cool when viewers can get you shut down. I had two videos removed that were not selling anything. They just tell people about companies that hire virtual call center agents. I had the same problem with Yahoo Answers. Somebody gets mad because they can’t do what we do and then flag our stuff. I think we should at least get the courtesy of learning “exactly” what was wrong with the info put into a video meant to help people.
Casey Zeman says
Hi Jeff. So I utterly understand this going on. Same thing happened to me last year when my YouTube account was shut down. I got a warning , then in that same hour my entire account removed. I had to do a quick change over to have all of my videos hosted on Amazon s3 on my website. lost over 80 videos.
I was never able to get my account back. I have created a new one, and now have a YouTube rep so I could attempt to contact them to discuss getting your account back. Not sure if you have had success with that yet?
It is funny because I also have a membership site i am building all about YouTube Marketing and Practices on how not to get banned.
I wrote an article about ways to avoid getting banned when all of my buddies were getting hit a couple months ago , David Foster of hubze.com , Chris Farrell, and some other friends.
Here is the article, I posted it on your FB page as well. http://caseyzemanonline.com/2011/06/youtubesuspendingaccounts/
Let me know, I can call my rep today and do some discovery for you.
Jeff Johnson says
Any help woudl be great! Thanks for the info.
Tom says
This sounds like a lawsuit, doesn’t it?
At least a Cease and Desist Letter
(regarding the message left behind)
If they are taking down the account
they should take the whole thing down
with No Message if that is the best they can do!
Seems you are (almost) as upset
about what the visitor sees, now,
as you are about the Videos being taken down.
That message really does add Insult to Injury!
Vince says
In my opinion, Michael Moore LOATHES capitalism (for everyone but himself, of course)… I think he even made a movie about it; so I wouldn’t look for much help from him, lol.
Jeremiah says
Your account was probably flagged a number of times by viewers which resulted in it being shut down.
C Pierce says
I tend to agree with Jeremiah. But are these “legitimate” flags? There seems to be a cloud of anti-capitalism smothering America. And I wouldn’t put anything past the giants like G and Ama…, including hiring people to flag honest marketers (especially after their CEOs were invited to last month’s Bilderberger meeting). I can assure you that they do not like small business people, and the word “entrepreneur” sets their teeth on edge. I realize this isn’t helpful to you, but its something I’ve been studying for years and I believe we can expect more heavy-handed arrogance from them. May God protect America and free enterprise.
Terrance says
I agree with this. I get the feeling that YouTube and Google have become way to big and they have lost all sense of independence in a business community. Instead, they want to take over everything. It’s really sick. And perhaps even more sad is just how ignorant the staff member must be to flag this video as not being appropriate. Not even being told the reason for this suspension other than a vague terms of agreement (which you clearly have not violated) shows not only the ignorance of Google, YouTube, and their staff.. but just how lazy and non caring they must be to not even value someone like you enough to say exactly the reason for this suspension. It sounds to me like a case of them being arrogant, heartless, and non-American for that matter.
David ORourke says
Hi Jeff, I feel you man. They terminated one of mine too. Tell you the truth, I think you should sue them just for the principle of it to make them have a Judge show them the inappropriate material they claim was in the video that was up for 3 years. This will make them pay more than the usual attention to any claims made against anyone in the future. I mean, when you upload the video to start with, do they not review it then? Then if it was not appropriate then then they should have gave you notice back then, not 3 years later. I think really you have a hate fan, that made a false report against you and that’s the real case.
Omar says
I concur with Jeremiah. It’s likely that a few malicious and envious viewers didn’t like your success and flagged your account. Unfortunately, its been Youtube’s reputation to not follow up on why these flagged were considered inappropriate. Thus leaving all your hard work in the hands of a mere few bad people. I’ve seen this happen too many accounts in the past and none of those accounts were ever investigated and resolved. I think its time to band together and make clear to Youtube that their level of “accountability” is not only sub par, but unacceptable.
Marvin says
hi jeff read this,
Hey man am sorry to ear that you have been close out cause I was gonna start watching the videos man to boust my traffic any. Way
If I can recall you once get your adsense account close a few years back but you did not stop you try an figure a way to make things work for you . with that said try an figure it out an like others said get a lawyer
(1) adsense close
I think this might play some roll in you getting your videos shut Down why? now I herd that google own YouTube an they figure out now that it’s you Jeff Johnson from the past few years that got your google adsense close they figure this guy is still making money from google so if we google can shut down is video that will take care of some thing since we don’t want to do business with Jeff an they might have view some of your video like the one that said I still get tuns of free traffic from google that convert into cash they don’t like that why they preferred you spend thousand of dollars on ppc ….. An they figure that if Jeff is educating so much people to gain traffic we migt lose out an a couple thousand dollars once these people know how to get traffic now again why not close down is videos So that is readers still use ppc an put money into our pocket ?? …. now with all that said google feels like you Jeff Johnson is still a partner with them its just that they are not getting any money from the videos but you an your readers are ….just like how they close your adsense that’s how they close your YouTube only with out a valid reason create heavidence an sue them bredda remember you don’t have an adsense account so they can’t even put their adsense
on all the videos they have now I will say get your wife to open an adsense account or your family member an try make money bredda it’s clear that they Are watching you …. Finally YouTube own by google in my adsense account I just recently monitized one of my YouTube video an I can see that in the account it said when ever some one view my video this earning is from hosted video so I know that google Partner with YouTube or they buy YouTube an that’s why you having a lot of trouble from google think about it an let mi ear from you if you think I said any thing that make sense
Doc Dan says
Not necessarily.
My Offline Marketing business YouTube channel was banned as well. I doubt I got flagged by anyone since I only had videos about my business and some tutorials.
More than likely it was because I had a few videos with the words YouTube and Google in the title.
It seems to be a common thread with people having accounts shut down that made videos with these trademark names in the titles.
It really does suck!
Be a RockStar in Your Business,
& In Your Life!
Dr. Dan
Jeff Johnson says
Be A Rockstar in your business… classic!
Lars Larsen says
Who owns Myspace?
Who owns Youtube?
Jeff Johnson says
News corp just sold myspace to private investors, including Justin Timberlake.
Google owns youtube.
Greg says
I still have no idea why they would terminate my account and ban me from youtube for life for such a video…
Here’s my take on this… and this is from someone who is a complete newbie. I just finished watching the video part 1 or was it 2,. Anyway… my impression from watching the video was that you were trying to dhow people how they could use the likes of facebook, myspace squidoo and maybe others as landing pages in order to improve your own website exposure and profits.
I remember you saying something about using as many sites as you like because they are free to build.
Create a different one for each product.
My second thought was… again I am a complete newbie here… but I seem to remember… and I don’t know the exact wording… and in fact I think it was in the Google Terms and Conditions of Use… and Google mow owns Youtube… so it may be the same… anyway it was something to do with… in laymans terms… It is against Google’s terms and conditions to try to manipulate the search results __________… I don’t remember the rest, but I know Google doesn’t like landing pages for the sake of a landing page, they want links to go directly to content pages.
Think about it this way, you were telling others to create several different landing pages, that each could be found in the search results and in fact several could be found under the same search, therefore taking up two or more of the search results for your search terms.
I believe this is why your account was banned. I could be wrong.
Interpretation of YouTube’s – Google’s, Facebooks – MySpace or any other major website is at the sole discretion of the company.
Just like in law, whether you understand the law or whether you don’t, the judge will judge the case based on the rules of law.
The judge doesn’t have to explain it to you, they just uphold the law .
Unfortunately in the online world, these companies can make up what ever they want in their terms and conditions of service and be judge and jury all at the same time. Without any explanation.
Rob says
Hey Jeff,
I believe the reason is quite simple – if you have “YouTube” anywhere in your title of the video (which I think you do), this is in clear violation of their terms. Hope this helps.
Jeff Johnson says
Sorry, but I’ve looked into that issue and it just doesn’t seem to be the case since they allow millions of videos with youtube in the title and in their tags on their site, and they also promote featured videos by users that have “youtube” in the title.
But it’s a thought.