Update: As of 6:45 pm on December 1, 2011 my Youtube Channel is officially back and open for business!
Here’s what they said:
YouTube Support
show details 6:45 PM (5 hours ago)
Hi there,
After a review of your account, we have confirmed that your YouTube
account is not in violation of our Terms of Service. As such, we have
unsuspended your account. This means your account is once again active and
operational.If you forgot your password, please visit this link to reset it:
(link removed)Thanks,
The YouTube Team
I’d just like to say “Thank you” to the team member at Youtube who was finally willing to review my account for me, and also for reactivating it after all these months. Thank you, I truly appreciate it!
Here’s even better news:
They didn’t put any restrictions or demands on me, and they didn’t ask me to remove any of the videos… they restored it to its 100%, fully operational state.
However, even though they didn’t ask (or require) me to remove any of the videos…
I’ve been meaning to update the content on my “Jeff Johnson Youtube” channel for a long, long time.
So I just told my Operations Manager to have the guys to start “cleaning house” and updating the content on my youtube channel.
It may take a few weeks since we are in the middle of a new product launch, but I hope to have it completed for you as soon as possible.
That means… plenty of new training videos are on the way!
If you’d like to have instant access to the new training videos as soon as they are released, simply subscribe to my “Jeff Johnson Youtube” channel and you’ll automatically notified each time the new training videos are uploaded.
Here’s the original story:
Youtube shut me down and I have no idea why they would do such a thing.
I’m hoping you and my other readers can help me figure this out.
Here’s my story:
Last week Youtube terminated my account.
On August 4th Youtube sent me an email that said “YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate.”
They went on to say “Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months.”
Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the permanent termination of your account.”
Here’s a copy of the email they sent me:
(click on image to view full screen)
This was the first and only notice I received from youtube about this or any other video being an issue in the last 18 months… I searched my inbox just to be sure and it’s the only one I can find.
Yet they terminated my youtube account that very same day. .. youtube didn’t even bother giving me the six months they mentioned in their email message.
Even worse … in my opinion youtube’s doing a great job of tarnishing my reputation by telling everyone who tries to view one of my videos that I’m some sort of “repeated or severe violations” offender.
(Note to youtube: Are two flags for marketing videos hat have been seen hundreds of thousands of times in 3 or 4 years really “repeat” or “severe”?)
Here’s what you’ll see if you visit my old youtube channel right now (click image to view full screen):
I had something like one million views of my youtube channel so chances are pretty good a LOT of people will see this less than friendly message.
And here’s what you’ll see if you visit one of the pages of that used to host my individual video:
Not cool, youtube! You are accusing me of posting “spam, scams, and commercially deceptive” videos yet nothing was being sold in the video, and it was 100% unique educational content that I created for my thousands of loyal youtube followers.
(Note to youtube: Everyone makes mistakes, especially me. But isn’t it possible that once in awhile your automated software systems or overly tired employees that are tasked with reviewing tens of thousands of videos a day make a mistake as well? If so, why not say something nice like “sorry, this video is no longer available”, when you remove a video… It just seems much “nicer” in my opinion and doesn’t seem nearly as offensive to someone if their video was mistakenly removed.)
Now I’m a big boy and I know when I do something wrong but I still have no idea what I did wrong
The video they flagged as “inappropriate” was me speaking at an internet marketing seminar.
The title of the video was “Part 2 — Internet Marketing With, SEO, youtube, Myspace, Facebook, RSS Feeds and More.”
I believe this particular video was posted in 2008 as part of an 18 part series that has been viewed over a hundred thousand times (I can’t give you exact dates or total views of each of the 18 videos in that series since youtube has locked me out of my account).
(Note to youtube: My team was able to locate a backup copy, but what about all the people that don’t have backup copies of their videos? It sure would be helpful to everyone if you allowed us limited access to our accounts after you terminate them so we have an opportunity to download the videos in our account.)
I’ll go on record right now and say I HAVE ABOSLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE OFFENSIVE ABOUT ME SPEAKING AT AN INTERNET MARKETING SEMINAR… I was teaching people how to use web 2.0 to promote their business (which by the way is permissible according to youtube’s own terms of service).
I still have no idea why they would terminate my account and ban me from youtube for life for such a video…
But just to be safe I checked out youtube’s Community Guidelines:
Here are Youtube’s Community Guidelines as printed on their site as of August 11, 2011
(my comments are below each youtube guideline and is marked with “Jeff Says:”)
1. ” YouTube is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your video, even if it’s a video of yourself, don’t post it on YouTube. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation. Please read our Safety Center and stay safe on YouTube.”
Jeff Says: I have never posted anything remotely close to pornography anywhere on the internet, especially on youtube. Don’t get me wrong, I like naked women as much as the next guy but my youtube channel is 100% porno free so this can’t be the issue.
2. Don’t post videos showing bad stuff like animal abuse, drug abuse, under-age drinking and smoking, or bomb making.”
Jeff Says: I don’t abuse animals, I don’t do drugs, I don’t smoke and I don’t encourage under-age drinking and I’ve never posted anything related to any of these topics on the internet, especially my youtube channel.
3. Graphic or gratuitous violence is not allowed. If your video shows someone being physically hurt, attacked, or humiliated, don’t post it.
Jeff Says: The video was of me speaking at a seminar and I promise you I didn’t attack, physically hurt or humiliate anyone in any of my videos. Although if you’ve ever been to a seminar you’ll know that there are those people in the audience that you wish you could just smack upside the head for saying or doing stupid. But this just wasn’t’ the case in any of my videos.
4. YouTube is not a shock site. Don’t post gross-out videos of accidents, dead bodies or similar things intended to shock or disgust.
Jeff Says: No dead bodies, no mutilations, no accidents or anything even remotely close to that in any of my youtube videos. The only thing shocking in my videos is my ability to talk really, really fast and cover a ton of material in a short period of time, but thankfully there’s no youtube rule against that (at least not that I’m aware of).
5. Respect copyright. Only upload videos that you made or that you are authorized to use. This means don’t upload videos you didn’t make, or use content in your videos that someone else owns the copyright to, such as music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programs, or videos made by other users, without necessary authorizations. Read our Copyright Tips for more information.
Jeff Says: I created all of the videos in my youtube channel except for a few of my speaking at an internet marketing seminar and I have full permission from the seminar hosts to use them in my marketing.
(Note to youtube: there are dozens of illegally posted copies of my videos on youtube, including copies of the video you terminated my account over. But when I tried to report them as copyright infringement… I couldn’t use your online form since I was locked out of my youtube account… and you need a youtube account to report copyright infringement using your online system.)
6. “We encourage free speech and defend everyone’s right to express unpopular points of view. But we don’t permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).”
Jeff Says: Definitely does not apply to any of my youtube videos… I’ve been on record in my videos saying many times “why can’t we all be friends” and “spread the love, baby”. I’m all for world peace and letting everyone just do their own thing as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.
7. ” Things like predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, invading privacy, revealing other people’s personal information, and inciting others to commit violent acts or to violate the Terms of Use are taken very seriously. Anyone caught doing these things may be permanently banned from YouTube.”
Jeff Says: There’s nothing predatory in any of my youtube videos, and the only thing I incite in my videos is the burning desire to out and get some traffic, build a list, and make some money. Is that such a bad thing?
8. ” Everyone hates spam. Don’t create misleading descriptions, tags, titles or thumbnails in order to increase views. It’s not okay to post large amounts of untargeted, unwanted or repetitive content, including comments and private messages.”
Jeff Says: This “everyone hates spam” is the only one I can think of that may apply.
But only because youtube has billions of videos to review so they may have been a bit too rushed when they looked at this particular video and didn’t realize it was indeed a unique video with 100% unique content.
I can certainly understand their mistake in their haste reviewing billions of videos so I hope this clears it up for them.
This particular video was part 2 of a 18 part series.
My presentation at the seminar lasted for almost 3 hours. But when I posted these videos in 2008 youtube only allowed your videos to be 10 minutes long.
So I chopped up the presentation into 18 unique videos that were about 10 minutes long.
Each video contained unique content from my presentation and needed to be watch in sequence, starting with part 1 or they wouldn’t’ make sense.
Each of the 18 videos had the same title and description with one exception; we added “part 1”, “part 2”, “part 3” to the titles so the youtube community could easily find all 18 parts.
The title of the video in question was named “Part 2 — Internet Marketing With, SEO, youtube, Myspace, Facebook, RSS Feeds and More”.
If I gave each of the 18 parts of the series a completely unique title and description youtube viewers would never be able to figure out which of the almost 90 videos in my youtube channel were related, and in which order they were supposed to watch them.
Yes, they were in a “playlist” but when you searched google or youtube they still came up as individual videos.
And if you visited my youtube channel after finding one of them in the search results of google, youtube, bing, or yahoo they were still listed as individual videos in the channel (youtube designed it to work this way, not me).
So to make it easier for the youtube community I gave each of the 18 parts the same title and description with the exception of adding “Part 1”, “Part 2″… “Part 18” to the title.
It’s like a movie… they called Lethal Weapon 4 for a reason. If you saw it on a video rental shelf and you hadn’t seen Lethal Weapon 1, 2 or 3 yet you may want to go back and watch those first so part 4 made more sense to you. Or if you watched part 4 and liked it, it would be easy for you to go back and rent parts 1, 2 or 3.
And how could you possibly know that” Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan” was the 8th movie in the “Friday the 13th” series if they didn’t tell you that in the title? They were all 100% original (arguably) movies but they shared a common title.
So in the end…
I did what I thought was best for the youtube community from a usability standpoint and used an almost (but not quite) title and description for each of the 18 unique parts of my one seminar presentation that was posted on youtube.
Each of the 18 videos contained 100% unique content.
I just added “part 1, part 2, part 3, etc” to the same basic title so they would be easy to identify as related videos, and the viewers would be able to watch them in the correct order since they were all part of the same 3 hour long seminar presentation.
So let’s recap:
- As far as I can tell I have never violated any of the youtube community guidelines that they listed as a possible reason for my account being cancelled.
- I have never used automated software to increase anything with this account.
- I never posted my youtube videos to more than one youtube channel.
- I had approximately 7,800 subscribers to my youtube channel and every single one of them subscribed under their own free will because I gave away such great free content on youtube.
- I posted almost 90 unique videos to youtube over the last 3 or 4 years.
- I created all of the videos and owned the copyright, or I had permission from the seminar host to post my presentations given at their seminar.
- I had over a million channel views on youtube.
- My Individual videos had been viewed as many as 350,000 times and I never used automated systems of any kind to inflate my views.
- And the video listed as inappropriate by youtube was simply me speaking at an internet marketing seminar teaching people how to promote themselves and their business online. Which, by the way, is listed as a “permissable commercial use” of youtube in their own Terms of Service.
I wasn’t even selling anything in the video.
Yet youtube sends me an email and tells me that the video that has been posted for 3 years was “inappropriate”
And without further warning and without receiving any additional flags they immediately terminated my youtube channel and locked me out.
They won’t even allow me access to download the original copies of my videos that I worked so hard to create all these years.
And when I sent them an email asking them “why” they terminated my account they replied with an email that said “We are unable to provide specific detail regarding your account suspension or your video’s removal. For more information on our what we consider inappropriate content or conduct while using YouTube, please visit our Community Guidelines and Tips at http://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines and our Help Center article…
That response really didn’t answer my questions so I sent them another email asking for clarification.
I know you guys are anxious for me to get my youtube account back so I can continue sharing my tutorials with you, and so am I because we all love youtube… it’s the best video sharing site out there, but I’m still not having much luck getting in touch with youtube.
As you can see from my post below either youtube’s customer service or automated response system could use a little help, or they just don’t feel like talking to me. Either way it is very frustrating.
Youtube sent the “flagged” notice to the gmail account associated with my youtube account. It’s the same email they send all their messages to, and it’s the email account I use to log into my youtube account.
When I replied to their “flagged” notice asking them why they would terminate my youtube account with only 1 flag in over 18 months, and only 2 flags in the history of an account with something like 1 million channel views…
Youtube replied by saying “The email address that you have provided does not match the email address of the account in question. In order for us to review your issue, you must be the owner of the account”
(click the image below to view a copy of youtube’s email in full screen)
I’m not sure how that could be the case considering I logged into my gmail account and directly replied to the email they sent me notifying me that my video had been removed.
I’ve been known to make mistakes, everyone does, but in this case I simply replied to their original email by hitting “reply” from within my gmail account.
I then replied again telling them there must be some kind of mistake and that I could prove I was the owner of the account, and that “this” gmail account was indeed the account associated with my youtube account.
But it’s been 2 or 3 weeks and still no further replies from youtube.
I understand that youtube is busy, much busier than I am. But I’ve been waiting patiently for 31 days now and still no luck getting through to them. So I need your help clearing this misunderstanding up…
Here’s How You Can Help:
If you have any idea why youtube would have shut my account down given the quality of the content I’ve been sharing on it for years I’d like to hear about it.
If you have any contacts at Google or Youtube that you could put me in touch with that would be willing to hear my case I’d love to hear from them.
If you have experienced similar issues with Youtube or Google (since Google owns Youtube) I’d love to hear about it.
If you have any idea how I can go about getting my channel reactivated I’d love to hear about.
So please leave your comments below and let’s see if we can help us, and help youtube learn from this experience. And don’t be afraid to share this post with your facebook friends, your twitter followers or your email readers… the more people that hear about this misunderstanding the better.
More importantly… let’s see if we can clear this up so I can continue posting unique, helpful, content- rich videos to youtube for you and the million other viewers of my channel to enjoy!
Antoinette says
May be you can get some help through Gideon Shalwick : he wrote a post about it recently :
Jeff Johnson says
Thanks, David Jenyns told me he was interviewed by Gideon about it.
Brett B says
This is how Google operates. They shut down an Adwords account for some ads I direct linked to a clickbank site 3 YEARS AGO, which was not a violation of their terms at that time AND HADN’T RUN IN 3 YEAR! When I explained myself to them I did get a response, but it just said “sorry you violated our terms…account shut down”!
I love your stuff. Sounds like you could potentially have a libel case against Google and Youtube if you feel like being litigious…Good luck!
Jeff Johnson says
I can’t afford to spend millions suing a company that earns billions in a single quater. I’m hoping that they’ll just listen to reason. Wish me luck!
steve says
Jeff –
see this is exactly what I meant with my comment.
That’s EXACTLY what they are counting on everyone saying. “can’t fight the gorilla”.
Guess what, this is just the beginning…
Hoe about to run a crowdfunding campaign and raise the money for a litigation effort. I bet you get some major contributors.
You can count me in. =0))
Kevin says
Sounds like it’s time to call Geoffrey Fieger!
He might take Google to court for free just for the publicity. 🙂
Seriously though, I always wondered how actions like this fit with their “Don’t be evil” motto…
Cherrelle Gayle says
Any IM, SEO related video is being targeted and they are not even taking the time to investigated these videos fully. Its a disgrace what the have done to your account so hoping you will be able to fight to be reinstated.
Ben says
“This is how Google operates.“
YOU are WRONG Jeff!
This is how we have allowed them to operate.
They forget that it is US who made them.
It is US who can punish them.
Of all the millions of millions of emails IM sends daily
a nice boycott plan would do wonders to get their attention.
Stop complaining and start doing!
Damn it!
Blake says
Google did the same thing with one of my company’s Google Checkout account.
Said it had been compromised and completely closed of any access to it or the history. No explanation of what they meant. Cryptic boiler plate email responses.
THEN….they tried to hit me with a chargeback for $785 or so dollars but wouldn’t answer a single question about it! It was absolutely amazing. Every email I sent asking WTH is going on and WHAT are you talking about (because remember…I couldn’t see what they were talking about because they shut off access to my google checkout) I only received emails in response that NEVER answered a single question I asked and only raised more questions. They wouldn’t tell me what was charged, when, IP address or anything. It was absolutely infuriating as a small business owner.
Then the collections company started calling my business. I told them I was paying a penny when no one could even tell me the smallest amount of information. I finally had one sane girl call from the collections agency and I sent her all the documentation so she tried getting in contact with google to find out….well she called back after a few days and said…”this is crazy. I’m closing this out. Sorry for your trouble.”
Good luck. I hope you get somewhere….a live person to talk to at Google/YouTube would be nice.
Thanks for getting me all mad again. 😉
Blake says
“wasn’t paying a penny”
Jimmy R Williams says
My good friend Melanie Milletics has just gone through the same thing. I am not sure what her outcome has been as of yet, but she has almost 6 years worth of videos online there and they cut her off like a bad limb as well. I hope you get things back.
Jimmy R Williams
Craig Wilson says
Rest assured you weren’t singled out Jeff, I know many marketers this happened to. WHY? Who knows, the response is clear as mud. 2 words, Vimeo and Viddler
PS. I love how all the non family friendly videos stay there! Pathetic
Jeff Johnson says
I agree, they allow soft porn and celebrities that do un-disclosed product placements in their videos but shut down the little guys who are just trying to help others.
salty combos droid says
newbies go broke paying 2k
Richard M Krawczyk says
Newbies do NOT go broke by paying $2K. However, they do go broke by making an impulsive purchase/investment in their business and not following through with what they’ve learned.
Granted, some of these courses are pretty bad — others are horrific — while others are impressive and can have a profound impact on your business…if you APPLY what you’ve learned.
By some of the comments posted, it’s blatantly obvious — to me anyway — that the people that are bitching are the ones who do NOT apply what they’ve learned have “bright shiny object syndrome” (where are purchase a ton of course and don’t apply the knowledge that was just purchased, refuse to take responsibility for their non-action while still looking for the “magic pill” that will cure all of their problems.
I strongly suggest that anyone do their due diligence before making any such investment of knowledge in their business.
Having said that, I have to say that Jeff is one of the good guys in the industry, has a squeaky clean reputation and his products are legitimate — unlike some of the “hype artists” out there.
Over the past several years, I’ve watched most of Jeff’s educational videos and found them very informative.
I can’t recall any of his videos where he sold anything.
Jeff Johnson says
Well, I did post three or four “here’s my bonus if you use my link” videos on youtube.
But the other 86 were pure content.
thanks for the support!
castor oil says
As a matter of fact, I saw videos on youtube just last week that were nothing more than porn. I was looking for massage videos and instead ran into gay/lesbian content that I found quite offensive. Didn’t think youtube allowed the porn trash I saw, which could have easily been viewed by children.
Additionally, what about the racist comments they allow, swearing and cussing too? All can be found on good old youtube.
Of Google/Youtube want to clean up the internet, they need to start with their own products.
Jeff Johnson says
I agree, I have to police the stuff my kids watch on youtube every day because they truly do alllow “inappropriate” content to be posted on their site.
I just don’t understand how mine was deemed inappropirate and that type of trash wasn’t.
John McLaughlin, StockCoach - Day Trading, Day Trader - Consultant / Coach says
Caster Oil – you hit the nail on the head. About 5% of YouTube emails I get are swill – filth, disgusting.
They dump their perverted comments in an email then try to damage your reputation with the Spam button.
You would think it would be simple to filter these deviate channels – automated software.
castor oil says
I gotta tell you, my jaw hit the floor when I saw these “massage” videos. My first thought was I didn’t think YouTube allowed such trash, but apparently they do.
They were more X rated in my opinion. Just trying to find a nice massage video for a client’s G maps listing and ran into garbage filth.
SpryMed says
It’s the plan for companies to filter what we see and how we see it. China idea of filter speech is running into US.
Free speech if you fined your own ways of running it that is.
Cristi Marin says
I can believe that this is happening to you as well, couse I saw lately that many IM had their accounts shout down for NO GOOD REASON.
I’m really sorry.
I will help you spread the word.
Wish you all the best, as you said you are “a big boy and I know when I do something wrong “.
Jeff Johnson says
Thanks for helping get the word out!
Joshua Zamora says
Hey jeff sorry to hear about that but there is something Funky going on with YouTube.
I had the same thing happen to me and I could not get an answer from them so I just opened a new account.
This also happen to
1. Darren Rose from problogger (he got reinstated)
2. David Foster from fanpage Engine (reinstated)
3. Chris Farrell (not sure if he got reinstated)
I know David sent his attorneys on them and Darren blogged about it too and I guess got youtubes attention.
But the little guys like me with no attorney power suffer the the consequences.
You may want to ask one of them for advise. Hope you get reinstated.
Jeff Johnson says
Actually, they told me not to open another account after this one was terminated.
But thanks for the names of the others!
Backlink Booster says
I would go ahead and open another account…what will it hurt? Just do it under another user name/email address so they don’t have any connection between your old account and your new account.
I realize you lose the stats associated with your old account, but this might be a good stopgap until you get your original account reinstated.
Good luck!
Wayne says
I’m not here to tell you what do to.. but if Youtube isn’t playing by the rules.. why should you?
By opening a new account, you are just doing what they are doing to you… ignoring their own terms of service.
You might get this account closed to, but at least you’ll have a chance to give ur opinion and they might finally take the time to listen.
I know Alex Jones from infowars.com seems to get a lot of problems with YouTube once in a while, but his following always seem to make such a fuss that YouTube usually end up back pedaling. I haven’t seen an actual account termination for his account, but many view freezes to ensure his videos do not go viral.
Victor says
Its my opinion that is the latest in an ongoing series of clean up initiatives around the “Make Money Online Niche”
Chances are the red flag was exactly that – you had “make money online” in the tags or the even content.
Lets be honest this is the sleaziest, dirtiest industry in the history of business ever – bar none
With all the con men and scam artists in this niche its hard to expect that people like youtube or Google are going to use a “wide broom”
The over whelming majority of this subject are lies and rubbish content and you are expecting a lot to not get thrown out with the trash unless you are super squeeky clean
Good riddance I say, this is a chance for the industry to clean up its act.
Lastly to be honest if you don’t have a back up of your “valuable content” that your own stupid fault, or the content wasn’t that valuable – come on your not a new player here.
Jeff Johnson says
“make money” wasn’t in the video, the title nor do i think it was in the description or tags, but I’m not sure. Either way, I wasn’t selling anything, just teaching how to market online.
Victor says
I can guarantee that is the underlying cause
A few days will show that even if you cant see it now.
You are adamant you are not breaking any of the terms you quoted so its because of the niche you operate in – same as Darren Rowse and others have been experiencing.
It annoys me how people as usual are ragging on Google, how do you deal with all the spam and scams and black hat and cheats and liars Millions of them – of course all the people ragging on Google could do a much better job.
Are they perfect – heck no – but at the same time is always the guys that are in MMO or MLM that are getting “unfairly punished” you don’t ever seem to read about real online businesses getting “wiped out” – it was Darren’s Make Money Online videos that got hit not his Digital Photography courses.
I run real businesses online – and nothing has changed in 10 years – not with the FTC and not with any Google Update and not with the latest “secret to riches”
Create real and unique information that people value, give away a little content to build authority and trust with your audience and get as many established credible businesses to reference and promote you as you can – its not that hard if you play a straight bat.
When you see things like the FTC rules saying things like – the people featured in testimonials must be real people and “business people” complain that its “not fair” you realize how bad this industry is.
As I said as far as I am concerned its a good thing and anyone in that niche can expect a lot more coming this way.
Co de Naam says
Recently I saw a discussion going on about certain video plugins that are used on websites where it is not visible anymore that the video is hosted on YouTube. A plugin like Traffic Player does that.
Might that be the problem? Just a suggestion…
Jeff Johnson says
Great point…
That is definitely something I personally consider as a violation of youtube’s terms of service which is why i have NEVER used such a player.
I always use youtube’s player to embed my videos.
Barry says
Hi Jeff. I remember watching this video series. In fact I think it’s the reason I subscribed to your channel. It certainly did not violate any of Youtube’s rules as you have pointed out. I’m afraid I can’t help you, but I do hope you are able to resolve this.
Jeff Johnson says
Just helping me spread the word helps me out. Thanks for the support!