8 or 9 years ago I discovered the most powerful desktop search tool I have ever used. It was called X1.
X1 was so good that even Yahoo licensed the technology for a time so they could compete against Google’s now defunct desktop search tool, and in my opinion it blew Google away.
But here’s the problem:
After upgrading my laptops and desktop computers about 5 bazillion times in the last 9 years I sort of forgot about X1 and just how much time it could save me when I was searching through 10 years worth of emails, files and documents that had collected on my hard drives.
So for the last few years I’ve just been using the built in Windows Desktop search tool because “it was there”. And it sucks.
However, last week I spent so much time trying to locate a lost email in my archives that I finally said “screw this, there has to be a better way”.
And for some strange reason I thought to myself “Man, I wish X1 search was still around“.
Well guess what…
I did a quick search online and I found out that X1 search is still around. Not only is it still around, it’s even more powerful than ever.
So I downloaded the free trial and within seconds I found that darn email that I was digging around for.
Plus I used it to locate a document that I wrote a few years ago and had thought I had lost forever. I couldn’t find it with my built in desktop tools but X1 found it for me in seconds.
X1 is Lightning-Fast and includes a really cool preview window that saves you even more time, something most competitors don’t offer.
So if you are looking for an extremely powerful desktop search tool that will save you a ton of time and money (because after all, time is money) then you really should check out” X1 Professional Client“.
They offer a fully functional free trial, no card required.
I’m not associated with the company in any way, shape or form.
I just thought you may enjoy using it to save as much time as I have.
Check it out:
Jeff Johnson
Another good one that I tested out years ago (but haven’t recently) is Copernic Desktop Search
They have a completely free version that doesn’t look like it offers as much as X1, but then again, it’s free so there’s no harm in testing that one out for yourself as well.
Roger Young says
Hi Jeff
I got really fed up with Windows Search and found a program called Locate32 – it has an x64 version as well as the 32 bit despite the name- here is the link:-
You do need to update the database manually but it is blisteringly fast in action.
Jeff Johnson says
John says
Jeff, there’s a brand new desktop search that just came out I’ve been using now for a few weeks and it puts both X1 and google to shame. Go check it out: http://www.grappledata.com/aikin
This thing is wicked smart and extremely fast.
Jeff Johnson says
Thanks, I’m all set with x1 but I’m sure others will appreciate some other options.
John says
I recommend at least trying it. Its not just that the search is better. In their words it’s “artificially intelligent” and “proactive” in finding associated information and generating relevant queries. It also lets you view the context of things in ways you can’t with other search engines and move items around and composite them in useful ways.
Cathryn Goodman says
Hi Jeff;
Thanks for the compliments to X1. I am on the Marketing side at X1 and very happy to hear your comments about X1 search. Compliments to you and your marketing style. I am a fan!
Jeff Johnson says
Thanks for producing such a useful tool!
mike weiss says
x1 is great. been using it for years. life saver. wish they had it for mac 🙂
thanks Jeff
Jeff Johnson says
Mac, what’s a Mac 😉
Linda Baumgarten says
thanks Jeff!
I will check it out.
Jeff Johnson says
You are welcome!
Raymond says
Here’s another search tool that I use daily. It’s free. I call it Search Everything because it indexes my hard drive and lists the entire (not hidden) content.
Jeff Johnson says
That’s one I’ve never heard of but I see cnet rated it back in 2008 http://download.cnet.com/Everything/3000-2379_4-10890746.html
Jonathan Chase says
Or Just get a MAC. The spotlight search is faster and can find a single word in every document type on your system and network… awesome.
Jeff Johnson says
Thanks for the tip but I’m a windows guy…
Even the Macs we own run windows full time 🙂
Aniel says
On that recommendation, I will give it a whirl. I still use Google desktop search for a quick hunt. For heavy duty searching through the text of 50 books, I like dtSearch. It’s far from cheap, but they have a trial version.
Fred says
Jeff: Have you worked with Google Desktop? Everything from files to emails is indexed for instant search results.
Jeff Johnson says
Actually I did try it years ago and it wasn’t bad but at the time I still preferred x1.
It’s still around but in 2011 Google announced that they would no longer provide it for “official” download and they would no longer offer updates and fixes for it.
Howard says
CNet now loads up all of their “free” downloads with crapware. On this particular program, it tries to fool you into thinking that you have to accept the crapware in order to install the software you want.
2nd time today I’ve had to go through the hassle of opting out of a crap-ton of crapware.
CNet’s way of handling this is fundamentally dishonest.
Jeff Johnson says
It can be a trade off sometimes but I trust Cnet to do a pretty good job of keeping the download file virus/malware free so given a choice between them and another site I’m not familiar with, I’ll take cnet. Now if the crapware is fundamentally malware that’s another issue altogether!