“These are the EXACT High Ticket Affiliate Marketing strategies that I have personally used to sell millions of dollars’ worth of affiliate products and services to my list… “
This video reveals some the most profitable email and high ticket affiliate marketing strategies that I have personally tested in my business over the last 16 years, including…
- The 6 rules you absolutely must follow if you want to sell high-ticket affiliate products to your list (so you earn bigger commissions and generate more revenue per subscriber).
- My proven 5-step system for converting more of your email subscribers into buyers.
These are the EXACT strategies and techniques that have helped me sell millions of dollars’ worth of high ticket Affiliate products and services to my list… in multiple markets… and earn millions of dollars in affiliate commissions along the way.
I hope you find them to be just as valuable and as profitable as I have!
Tip: Here’s a tutorial that reveals my highest converting Amazon Affiliate Ads.
iphoneunlockingprogram.com says
Thank you for always sharing
Cathy Wedding Dresses Liverpool says
Audio only would be great if it was downloadable.
There must be loads of people like me that download to an mp3 player and listen while they commute.
When I am in front of my PC I am there to work so audio that I can only listen to in front of my PC is the same as video – I just don’t bother.
Hope that’s useful
Jeff Johnson: The audio is for people that don’t have high bandwidh connections. But I’ll see what I can do about a mp3 download.
Craig says
Thanks for the info Jeff. Any chance you could make the audio format a download for our Mp3 players?
Also where can we get a cool little footer like the Free traffic getting seo software one you have on this page?
Thanks again
Jeff Johnson: I’ll have to edit the audio to provide context for a download but I’ll see what I can do.
That cool footer thing is a custom job done by my guys. Sorry, but I don’t have a copy for sale or giving away right now.
Jovial Mangope says
Thank you for the video. Great info ideed. I cannot wait to join the undergroundtraining lab.
Arlene deWinter says
hi Jeff,
As an artist who has a cultivate a make money mindset, your advice has been fantastic. I have begun to tweak my blog with a more clear focus so that I can make a living doing what I love to do — write!
Thanks and I hope to see more of you soon and maybe get to a place where I can give back.
Arlene deWinter
Ed Baker says
Hi Jeff,
Heard you talk about Auto-Posting, but missed details someplace. I am a bit confused about the subject.
1) Does auto-posting improve page rank?
2) Best media to auto-post; Articles, Video or Yahoo Answers?
3) How often to set posting software (hourly, daily, other)?
Jeff Johnson: No, auto posting won’t improve rank with the exception of constant updating of posts and the total number of posts increasing.
however, the quality is the most important part so orginal keyword rich content is best.
Posting once or twice a day is fine, even once a twice a week will work depending on your market and keyword selection.
Sera says
Great video, But I am still a bit confused about the 3 blogs per niche part…. Are you supposed to write the same posts? different posts? Just link to your main blog post?
Jeff Johnson: Different posts, link to your other blog posts, static pages, video, social profile page, etc in that market on multiple domains.
It’s used to link to whatever you would like to send some link juice to.
Dominic says
Man you talk fast, my pen’s burning up!! Great content , Thanks!
Machmud says
Very well this program and I hardly thinks much of
so that I can work how to
Harry Crowder says
Hi Jeff,
As usual, excellent material and insights into making this affiliate “thing” work.
Keep it comin’
Bets regards,
Harry Crowder