Traffic Getting SEO Plugin™ will not work without the IonCube loader (which is free) so…
This process will show you how to enable (turn on) the IonCube loader on select cPanel web host providers.
This solution may not work at all web hosts, but it definitely works on thousands of them so most of you will be all set.
If you don’t want to mess around with the Ioncube loader problem at all…
Use these webhosts:
Or you can use these hosts and enable ioncube yourself in less than 1 minute:
Step-by-Step Process for Enabling IonCube Loader:
Step 1. Login to your cPanel.
Step 2. Click on [PHP Config].
Step 3. Select [PHP5 (Single php.ini)] and then click [Save Changes].
Step 4. Check the box [IonCube] and then click [INSTALL PHP.INI MASTER FILE].
Step 5. At the bottom of the page, click [Go Back].
Step 6. Click on [File Manager].
Step 7. Select [Web Root (public_html/www)] and click [Go].
Step 8. Look for the file ‘php.ini.default’ and check the box to the left of it.
Step 9. Click [Rename] at the top of the page.
Step 10. Rename the ‘php.ini.default’ to ‘php.ini’ and click [Rename File].
Step 11. You’ve successfully activated the ionCube loader for this web host.
Bill says
Installed your plugin, would love to use it. I am not a programmer so I’m not sure if the plugin caused this or not. On the home page the posts do not show anymore. I had it set for 3 posts to show in the 3 boxes below the featured area at the top. Any thoughts? Also youtube video seems to be slower loading
Jeff Johnson says: Plugin would have nothing to do with youtube videos in general.
It may be the theme you are using.
max says
Wouldn’t it be 1000 times easier to just put this in a zip and let us use ftp to upload?
Jeff Johnson: Not sure what you mean…. Traffic Getting SEO Plugin is a zip file you upload via ftp.
Paul says
I have had no luck with blue host they cant seem to figure it out…Any suggestions anyone?
Jeff Johnson: Looks like blue host has made some changes since moving to php5.
Here’s what my guys say:
Please contact blue host if you need more help with this issue.
“I was just speaking with Mario about this and he said that he had called Blue Host and Blue Host changes the htaccess file when you set the settings of ionCube.
So what they would have to do, before doing the ionCube fix is save their blog’s original htaccess file, apply the ionCube fix, then overwrite the htaccess file with the original one you saved.”
Please contact blue host if you need more help with this issue.
Zach Waldman says
I gave up on GoDaddy and moved to Host Gator. What a difference! Now my only problem is that when I click on the RSS feed, I get a 404 page not found error. It seems to be related to the plugin. Any ideas?
Jeff Johnson says: I doubt it’s the plugin itself.
Either your theme is introducing garbage in the rss feed url itslef, which happens all the time, or your htaccess file or permalink structures need adjusting.
Zach Waldman says
I tried to do everything you said to make it work with GoDaddy, but it’s still not working. Should the php5.ini file be put in the root of the site or the root of the wordpress directory? Also, can you give an example of the extended file path you say goes between the //? Thank you.
Jef Johnson says: Godaddy’s customer service will know exactly how to configure wordpress for their hosting accounts. Please consult with them.
Let them know the Traffic Getting SEO Plugin requires ioncube loader.
This is discussed here:
Brandon says
I have bluehost. Followed the directions, but it still isn’t recognizing. Saying “fatal error”.
Jeff Johnson says: Please contact bluehost for help.
Keren says
You must be doing something wrong..check again..I’m using blue host as well and I just followed the guidelines and it worked perfectly on mine…
Simon Rosenberg says
You need to put the extended file path of your route directory between the // in the above instructions
Michael says
What exactly do you mean by the “extended file path of your route directory”.
If wordpress is installed in the route directory of, is that what goes between the // in the php.ini file when installing Jeff’s Free Traffic Plug-in?
Jeff Johnson says
Please ask your host for the correct path…. they’ll know exactly what you need.
Simon Rosenberg says
In GoDaddy log on to your GoDaddy account, select My Hosting Account from HOSTING drop down menu and click on Manage Account on the Hosting Account line under the Control Panel column. A separate browser window should open and under SETTINGS select the Extension drop down menu choice and select php5.x instead of php4.x and you will be using php5.3 Next locate the php.ini file in your route directory and FTP it to your computer. Edit the file by adding the suggested line:
before any other zend_extension lines
and save it to php5.ini and upload that file to your route director and then you should be able to activate the plugin and continue with the installation.
Simon Rosenberg
DrSimon at
DNN says
If you want to do this for a virtual dedicated server and you installed a website, where do you go in your simple control panel to find the PHP icon, so you can locate the php.ini config file, and you can configure the ini file so the PHP loaders will work properly?
Jeff Johnson says
Each host is different so please ask yours for help on this.
Julie says
I have a hostgator reseller account, but cant see the options above do I need to email them to turn it on?
Jeff Johnson says: You don’t need to do anything with hostgator.
That’s all covered in the Traffic Getting SEO Plugin tutorials.
CHeck them out here:
Matt says
Bummer – This doesn’t work on godaddy servers? I can only set PHP4
Ian says
Here you go